Екологічні податки України:
Funds paid for repayment of tax debt in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine on the income determined by the second paragraph of Article 29 of the Budget Code of Ukraine, in particular taxes and fees (mandatory payments), which were paid before January 1, 2011 and established by the Tax Code of Ukraine

(Код класу 19090400)

Інформація щодо сплати до Зведеного бюджету України по платниках - суб'єктах природних монополій та платників рентної плати за користування надрами (далі – Екоподатки) станом на 1 一月 2022 року.

Загалом з 1 一月 по 31 十二月 2021 року
сплачено коштів екоподатків за класом доходів бюджету "Funds paid for repayment of tax debt in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine on the income determined by the second paragraph of Article 29 of the Budget Code of Ukraine, in particular taxes and fees (mandatory payments), which were paid before January 1, 2011 and established by the Tax Code of Ukraine":

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Історія сплат екоподатків
