Oblast Chmelnyzkyj
Der Luftqualitätsindex (AQI), berechnet nach der Formel NowCast (US EPA) für den Hauptluftschadstoff - Feinstaub der Fraktion PM2.5.
🕔 Daten vom 25 September 2023, 13:00
📡 Daten bereitgestellt von
Khmelnytskyi City Council
🔌 The data is collected through the EcoZagroza system
🏙️ Хмельницький район
, Khmelnytska city community
☁️ PM2.5: 0.1 mgm/m³
☁️ PM10: 0.1 mgm/m³
🌡️ Temperature: 2.5 °C
(27 Dezember 2022, 08:39)
💧 Relative humidity: 48 %
🌀 Atmospheric pressure: 993.3 гПа
💭 Carbon monoxide (CO): 0.7 mg/m³
(0.6 ppm)
(21 Juni 2022, 19:07)
💭 Formaldehyde (CH₂O): 10.75 ug/m³
(9 ppb)
(21 Juni 2022, 19:07)
Andere Stationen:
вулиця Кошарського, 2, Chmelnyzkyj
вулиця Дахнівська 22, Tscherkassy
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SaveEcoBot ist ein unabhängiges öffentliches System, das über den Hintergrundstrahlungspegel in der Ukraine berichtet. Die Informationen werden automatisch aus verschiedenen Quellen gesammelt, darunter staatliche Überwachungssysteme, öffentliche Sensoren, kommerzielle Geräte und andere. Alle Daten werden auf der Karte ohne Überprüfung veröffentlicht. Diese Daten erfordern jedoch zusätzliche Überprüfung durch staatliche Behörden zu Entscheidungszwecken. Daher können sie, wenn die Werte an einer Station auf unserer Karte steigen, nicht die alleinige Informationsquelle über den Strahlenpegel sein.
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SaveDnipro, DNEPR.com, luftdaten.info, Eco City, AirBG.Info, KP "CEM" DOR, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Donetsk Regional State Administration, AirVisual, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kyiv Regional State Administration, AirPol, Burshtyn Environmental Channel, Kyiv Smart City, Guru.ua, dnepro.net, Odessa State Environmental University, Georgian National Environmental Agency, , LUN Misto, Sensor.Community, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, AirMQ, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, EUropean Radiological Data Exchange Platform, State Specialized Enterprise "Ecocenter", SE "Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant", SE "South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant", SE "Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant", SE "Rivne Nuclear Power Plant", Main Center of Special Monitoring, Belgidromet, Kyiv City State Administration, Brovary City Council, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Odessa Regional State Administration, Lviv City Council, Kremenchuk City Council, Airly, PurpleAir, DTEK, SSE "Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant", uRADMonitor, Metinvest, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, State enterprise "Belarusian NPP", State Emergency Service of Ukraine, ECOTEST, JSC "Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Plant", State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, SSP "Radon Association", SSUFSCP, Safecast, Ecozagroza, Lutsk City Council, Vyshneve City Council, Vinnytsia City Council, Dikanka Village Territorial Community, Dubno City Council, Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council, Khmelnytskyi City Council, Palanska Village Community, Gelmyazivska Village Community, Vatutine City Community, Katerynopil Village Community, Steblivska Village Community, Pokrovsk City Military Administration, Pokrovsk Village Council, Erkivska Village Council, Palchykivska Village Council, Lysychobalkivska Village Council, VozMeteo, JS «NNEGC «Energoatom», Cherkasy Regional Oncology Dispensary, Pokrov City Council, Monastyryshche City Council, Ivan'ky Village Council, Khrystynivka City Council, Velyka Sevastyanivka Lyceum, Verkhnyatskyi Lyceum (Lishchyniv), Uman Humanitarian and Pedagogical College, Kuz'myna Hreblya Lyceum, Yaroshivka Village Council, Ladyzhynka Village Council, Mykhailivka Village Council, Zhabotyn Village Council, Raihorod Village Council, Budyschenska Village Council, Svydivok Village Council, Voznesenske Village Council, Balakliya Village Council, Chervona Sloboda Village Council, Drabiv Village Council, Selyshche Village Council, Man'kivka Village Council, SaveDnipro & Greenpeace, SaveDnipro & uRADMonitor, SaveDnipro & Safecast, SaveDnipro & SÚRO, Kyiv Digital, Shramkivka Village Council, Roshydromet, Rosatom, Smila City Council, Yuzhnoukrainsk City Council, Buky Village Council, State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Lviv region, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Lviv Regional Military (State) Administration, , State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Cherkasy region, Bashtechky Village Council, , , State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region, , .
Ukrainisches Hydrometeorologisches Zentrum, Ecozagroza (Ministerium für Umweltschutz und natürliche Ressourcen der Ukraine), FIRMS NASA, NOAA, Institut für Kriegsforschung, Liveuamap, OpenStreetMap, Portal für Dezentralisierung (Ministerium für die Entwicklung von Gemeinden und Gebieten der Ukraine), OpenWeather.
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The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) is an American nonprofit research group and advocacy think tank founded in 2007 by military historian Kimberly Kagan and headquartered in Washington, D.C.
ISW updates the interactive map daily with high accuracy where possible, showing terrain control to assess Russia's war in Ukraine.
Our system collects this data and displays it as an additional layer.
Map Legend:
Claimed Limit of Ukrainian Advance
Assessed Russian Advance
Assessed Russian Control
Claimed Ukrainian Counteroffensives
Claimed Russian Control
Die Krim gehört zur Ukraine!
Putin – Khuylo!
Russisches Kriegsschiff,
geh dir selbst auf den Keks!
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