Data from SaveDnipro Stations

Last updated on February 10, 2023

If you wish to analyze air quality data from stations collected by "SaveDnipro", the link below provides the most recent data from these stations.

If you need all the data for a particular station, go to the page of the respective station and in the "History of Primary Data from the Station" block, click the link "Download data in CSV format".

Terms of Use of Data

All materials on the SaveEcoBot site are posted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license unless otherwise stated on the respective page. Please include a hyperlink in the first or second paragraph of your material.

If you use air quality data from "SaveDnipro" stations, an active link to the site and a mention that the data is provided by SaveDnipro is required.

Full terms of use at this link.