Radiological Situation in the village Polian

Krupetska village community, Shepetivskyi district, Khmelnytskyi Oblast
March 19, 2023, 21:40

Unfortunately, there are currently no actual data from monitoring stations in the village (no measurements in the last 24 hours). Most likely, all sources have stopped publishing monitoring results.

The last measurements were made at 21:40, March 19, 2023 at the observation post by address Street Shkilna and the value was 0.110 µSv/h.

Interactive map of the background radiation in the village Polian
© Unverified Data © Data Sources © SaveEcoBot © CARTO © OpenStreetMap

SaveEcoBot is an independent public system that reports on the background radiation level in Ukraine. The information is collected automatically from various sources, including government monitoring systems, public sensors, commercial devices, and others. All data is published on the map without verification. However, these data require additional verification from government authorities for decision-making purposes. Therefore, if the readings on any station on our map increase, they cannot be the sole source of information about radiation levels.

It is important to remember that only government authorities have the right to declare emergencies or other extraordinary situations. Official sources such as the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate, the State Emergency Service, and national, and local authorities should communicate all further civil protection measures.

If you notice any unusual changes in the readings, please inform us.

Take care of yourself and stay level-headed!

SaveDnipro,,, Eco City, AirBG.Info, KP "CEM" DOR, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Donetsk Regional State Administration, AirVisual, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kyiv Regional State Administration, AirPol, Burshtyn Environmental Channel, Kyiv Smart City,,, Odessa State Environmental University, Georgian National Environmental Agency, , LUN Misto, Sensor.Community, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, AirMQ, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, EUropean Radiological Data Exchange Platform, State Specialized Enterprise "Ecocenter", SE "Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant", SE "South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant", SE "Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant", SE "Rivne Nuclear Power Plant", Main Center of Special Monitoring, Belgidromet, Kyiv City State Administration, Brovary City Council, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Odessa Regional State Administration, Lviv City Council, Kremenchuk City Council, Airly, PurpleAir, DTEK, SSE "Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant", uRADMonitor, Metinvest, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, State enterprise "Belarusian NPP", State Emergency Service of Ukraine, ECOTEST, JSC "Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Plant", State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, SSP "Radon Association", SSUFSCP, Safecast, Ecozagroza, Lutsk City Council, Vyshneve City Council, Vinnytsia City Council, Dikanka Village Territorial Community, Dubno City Council, Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council, Khmelnytskyi City Council, Palanska Village Community, Gelmyazivska Village Community, Vatutine City Community, Katerynopil Village Community, Steblivska Village Community, Pokrovsk City Military Administration, Pokrovsk Village Council, Erkivska Village Council, Palchykivska Village Council, Lysychobalkivska Village Council, VozMeteo, JS «NNEGC «Energoatom», Cherkasy Regional Oncology Dispensary, Pokrov City Council, Monastyryshche City Council, Ivan'ky Village Council, Khrystynivka City Council, Velyka Sevastyanivka Lyceum, Verkhnyatskyi Lyceum (Lishchyniv), Uman Humanitarian and Pedagogical College, Kuz'myna Hreblya Lyceum, Yaroshivka Village Council, Ladyzhynka Village Council, Mykhailivka Village Council, Zhabotyn Village Council, Raihorod Village Council, Budyschenska Village Council, Svydivok Village Council, Voznesenske Village Council, Balakliya Village Council, Chervona Sloboda Village Council, Drabiv Village Council, Selyshche Village Council, Man'kivka Village Council, SaveDnipro & Greenpeace, SaveDnipro & uRADMonitor, SaveDnipro & Safecast, SaveDnipro & SÚRO, Kyiv Digital, Shramkivka Village Council, Roshydromet, Rosatom, Smila City Council, Yuzhnoukrainsk City Council, Buky Village Council, State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Lviv region, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Lviv Regional Military (State) Administration, , State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Cherkasy region, Bashtechky Village Council, , , State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region, , , .

Ukrainian hydrometeorological center, Ecozagroza (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine), FIRMS NASA, NOAA, Institute for the Study of War, Liveuamap, OpenStreetMap, portal Decentralization (Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine), OpenWeather.

If you notice a mistake, please report us.

The total number of monitoring posts in the village Polian – 1 posts.

As of March 26, 2025, 13:12

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0.110 µSv/h
0.160 µSv/h
0.110 µSv/h
0.120 µSv/h
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0.105 µSv/h
0.060 µSv/h


0.130 µSv/h
0.120 µSv/h
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0.120 µSv/h


0.100 µSv/h
0.096 µSv/h
0.124 µSv/h
0.140 µSv/h
0.120 µSv/h
0.100 µSv/h

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0.100 µSv/h
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