Inspections in Ukraine

Inspections in Ukraine

Who should control polluting companies?
Compliance with the norms, laws, conclusions of the EIA?
Of course, not only the public!

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What is control?

State supervision (control) measures are planned and unscheduled. These include inspections, audits, reviews, surveys, and more.

For convenience, we'll refer to them as "inspections."

Who controls?

Control is exercised by the authorities authorized by law (hereinafter - the supervisory authorities):

  • central executive authorities;
  • their territorial representations;
  • state collegial authorities;
  • local state administrations;
  • local governments.

What does SaveEcoBot collect?

Among the large number of activities carried out by regulatory authorities in Ukraine, we have chosen inspections in areas that have a significant impact on the environment.

Ecological (Environmental) Inspections
Ecological (Environmental) Inspections

These are inspections carried out by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, as well as the State Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine and its regional authorities.

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Sanitary Inspections
Sanitary Inspections

We are talking about inspections conducted by the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, controlling the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. That is, we are interested in whether the company is harming public health (outside the sanitary protection zone).

Energy Inspections
Energy Inspections

These inspections are carried out by the Ministry of Energy, the State Inspectorate for Nuclear Regulation and the State Inspectorate for Energy Supervision. The measures concern electricity and heat supply and are of interest to us, because energy facilities are often the biggest polluters of the environment.

Navigation in the Chatbot

The review of inspections of the enterprise is based on two criteria:

  • Type (environmental, sanitary and energy).
  • Status (planned, occurred, not carried out, non-admission).

The status Non-admission is set automatically when the system analyzes the reasons for non-checks.


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Other features for working with inspections

SaveEcoBot contains a large amount of information from the Integrated Automated System of State Supervision (Control). Our chatbot offers:

Subscriptions and automatic notifications

Subscriptions and automatic notifications

Scanned copies of inspection reports

All details of the results of inspections are reflected in the acts. Download a PDF copy of the act and learn more.

Measures of influence and sanctions

If violations are found during the inspection, they will be displayed in the inspection card.

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