Do you know about war crimes against the environment?
Confidentially inform the Operational Headquarters of the Ministry of Environment to file lawsuits with the UN International Court of Justice for damages by the aggressor.
War crimes against the environment reported by chatbot users as of March 24, 2025
Pollution of water resources by foreign objects and substances. For example: intentionally or as a result of hostilities discharge / discharge of pollutants into a river, lake, sea or other body of water; entry into the water body of military equipment or biological objects, etc.
Littering of territories with items of military equipment, weapons, biological remains. For example: accumulation and / or single placement in the environment of fragments of shells, missiles, other military equipment; placement in the environment of biological residues (bodies, body parts), etc.
Damage to or destruction of industrial facilities. For example: hitting shells in oil depots; destruction and fires at industrial enterprises; air emissions or discharges of liquid pollutants into the environment as a result of hostilities, etc.
Damage or destruction of radiation-hazardous objects. For example: hitting shells or other effects on nuclear installations and sources of ionizing radiation; fires at nuclear facilities, etc.
Damage to soil and vegetation in natural areas and agricultural lands. For example: damage / removal of the top layer of soil due to shell ruptures, passage of heavy machinery and construction of fortifications and fortifications; spillage of fuel and lubricants of military equipment, etc.
Damage or destruction of greenery. For example: fire caused directly by military actions or as a result of fighting; causing damage to green infrastructure (forests, parks, squares) or individual trees due to bombing, etc.
Some environmental crimes can fall into several categories at once, so please choose the one that you think best describes what happened.
Some environmental crimes may not fit the suggested categories, then choose the "other" category.
All reports of war crimes against the environment are automatically sent to the Operational Headquarters of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources via the API to file lawsuits with the International Court of Justice to compensate the aggressor.
All information you provide to the chatbot is impersonal and confidential.
You need to attach a photo of an environmental crime right in the chatbot.
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