Support the Project

We collect and process information for you every day on the level of air pollution, background radiation, sources of fires, and other important information about the environment in Ukraine.
Our service is fundamentally free, because we are for the dissemination of environmental information among the population.
But for the stable operation of our system, we need your support.

Just now you can make a one-time payment, which will help to continue to work well with our service!

In the case of a monthly payment, the donation amount will be automatically deducted from your card each month.

Thank you and we wish you a clean and safe environment!

Support just once

50 UAH


100 UAH


200 UAH


500 UAH


Or you can choose your own payment amount by following the link.

Or choose a monthly payment

Thanks to your stable support, our project remains free, sustainable and stable.

100 UAH


Make a donation

200 UAH


Make a donation

500 UAH


Make a donation

1000 UAH


Make a donation

Or you can choose your own monthly payment amount by following the link.

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