Ecotaxes in Ukraine

Information on payment to the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine
by payers - subjects of natural monopolies
and payers of rent for subsoil use
(further – Ecotaxes)


Починаючи з 2022 року усі публічні екологічні реєстри, розпорядником яких є Державна податкова служба України, не публікується у формі відкритих даних. Через це інформація в цьому розділі не оновлюється.

Детально про стан доступу до екологічної інформації в формі відкритих даних в нашому дослідженні →

In total from 1 January to December 31, 2016
companies paid ecotaxes:

4 689 354 020 UAH

Дані за інші роки: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021

Ecotax is a national mandatory payment that cope with the actual volume of emissions into the air, discharges into water bodies of pollutants, disposal of waste, the actual volume of radioactive waste temporarily stored by their producers, the actual amount of generated radioactive waste the actual volume of radioactive waste accumulated before April 1, 2009 (source - Tax Code of Ukraine).

Budget Revenue Classification (Data for the period from 1 January to December 31, 2016)

Type of Budget Revenue Paid, UAH
Environmental tax for atmospheric emissions
Code: 19010100
2 991 322 490
Receipts from waste disposal
Code: 19010300
785 913 040
Environmental tax for the generation and / or temporary storage of radioactive waste
Code: 19010400
777 085 420
Receipts from discharges of pollutants into water bodies
Code: 19010200
135 033 070

Top 10 Companies (Data for the period from 1 January to December 31, 2016)

Payer of Ecotaxes Paid, UAH
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Donetsk Oblast
809 422 230
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Kyiv
778 682 180
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Zaporizhia Oblast
646 602 500
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Lviv Oblast
546 624 890
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Kyiv
465 188 670
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
193 715 660
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Kyiv
85 527 670
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Zaporizhia Oblast
69 749 910
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
68 474 400
eco taxes.payer_registration_place Donetsk Oblast
65 176 030

Top 10 Registration Places (Data for the period from 1 January to December 31, 2016)

# Place of Registration of the Payer Paid, UAH
1 Kyiv 1 456 686 950
2 Donetsk Oblast 1 000 977 130
3 Zaporizhia Oblast 743 615 530
4 Lviv Oblast 571 377 790
5 Dnipropetrovsk Oblast 491 286 780
6 Poltava Oblast 93 880 180
7 Kharkiv Oblast 69 542 840
8 Luhansk Oblast 48 014 760
9 Cherkasy Oblast 47 496 900
10 Kyiv Oblast 35 997 050

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